

Teaser Component

Teaser block. Part of the Bolt “Components” CSS framework that powers the Bolt Design System.

Install via NPM
npm install @bolt/components-teaser
  {% include "@bolt-components-teaser/teaser.twig" with {
  content: "Body text. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut et magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  buttons: [
      pattern: "button",
      style: "primary",
      text: "CTA 1"
      pattern: "button",
      style: "secondary",
      text: "CTA 2"
} only %}

Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.

Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

Eyebrow text component

  • @bolt-components-headline/headline.schema.yml > Object details
    • text

      Renderable text content of the headline.

      Type: string OR object OR array
    • tag

      Html tag.

      Type: string
      • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, span, cite, div
    • align

      Text alignment.

      Type: string
      • left, center, right
    • weight

      Font weights.

      Type: string
      • bold, regular, semibold
    • style

      Font styles.

      Type: string
      • normal or italic
    • size

      Font size.

      Type: string
      • xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge, xxxlarge
    • transform

      Text transformation.

      Type: string
      • uppercase, lowercase, capitalize
    • url

      If provided, turns headline into a link to given url.

      Type: string
    • icon

      Bolt icon. Accepts either 1) an icon name as a string 2) an icon object as expected by @bolt-components-icon or 3) the string "none" to explicitly remove default icons

    • quoted

      Adds quoted styling to text.

      Type: boolean

An array of headline component objects

  • [items]:
    • Type: object

      Headline text components

    • Properties:

Bolt logo component

  • @bolt-components-logo/logo.schema.yml > Object details
    • invert

      Set to true to invert the logo colors.

      Type: boolean

Body text of teaser


Array of content item objects

  • [items]:
    • Type: object
    • Properties:

An array of button component objects

  • [items]:
    • Type: object

      A button

    • Properties:

Body text. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut et magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


This is a headline.

Body text. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut et magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.